Jan Jongboom

Jan Jongboom



Hi! My name is Jan Jongboom, and I like to consider myself as a battle-hardened javascript dev. Previously I have been working on one of the largest Dutch websites, after that on Cloud9 IDE, and currently I'm a contributor to Firefox OS (half the job) and a Firefox OS evangelist (other half) for Telenor, one of the biggest telco's in the world. I'm also the author of Firefox OS in Action (it'll be available under Mannings early access program before this conference will start); and I've spoken at a variety of conferences, most notably VelocityConf EU, JSCamp.asia and Yandex' YaC.


Firefox OS: Unicorns and Rainbows

The past years there has been some heavy debate over web vs. native for mobile applications. But to be honest, it has never been a fair game as the web was lacking crucial functionality. No access to sensors, not available offline. Essentially: the mobile web is broken. Luckily if something is broken, we can fix […]

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